You deserve to work in a place that feels safe & adds value to your life.
Let me help you get there.
Coaching is an excellent avenue for assisting individuals in grief, leadership, and/or in conflict to understand and address the challenges in their context with greater insight, clarity and confidence.
1-1.5 hour sessions
Virtual or in person
Individual or team-based
Tailored to your situation
Payment plans
Ever told yourself you need to “get out of your own head” and look at things from a different angle? Coaching sessions with Jason are exactly that. Bringing an engaged and dynamic insight to our conversations, Jason always managed to unearth a perspective and insight from our conversations that provided me significant reflection between our sessions – leading me to gain deep personal growth. I highly recommend a multi-session commitment – you will grow, in all the best ways.
Roberta V.
Teaching comes in many different forms such as keynote speeches, half-day presentations, and full day trainings. Jason engages participants through story-based learning and interactive dialogue.
Custom to your organization
1-hour, half, full, and multi-day
Adult learning principles
Addressing specific challenges in your workplace/church
Relevant topics
Up-to-date research
Jason Dykstra has the ability to lead open and flexible teaching sessions relating to Conflict Management and people-behaviour overall. WIth the training session he did for my team, he was also keenly able to pivot within the teaching, as more market specific questions and concerns were asked, while continuing to lead the learning and practice core concepts. His laid back, confident manner is a fit for any organization desiring his leadership.
Jennifer Matthews - Salsa Babies Ltd.
Mediation is having a facilitated conversation between two or more people. Having difficult conversations with others helps to alleviate stress, refocus the relationship, and openly discuss the sticking points in your relationship. Jason specializes at relational conflicts regardless if you’re sitting at the conference table or the kitchen table.
Convenient meeting times
Individual interviews
Flexible process
Two-phased process
Virtual or in-person
Jason was able to change many leaders’ perception related to conflict - helping them to see the opportunity that is inherent in conflict situations.
Darrell Bierman
Simply fill out the form with your information and a brief overview of how we might journey together during this time. Once you hit that submit button, I’ll be sure to respond within 24-hours!