Where the Show is Headed

I’m just popping on to give you a bit of an update as to what’s happening with this podcast, and to be honest, checking to make sure I did this whole switch-over thing right! 

What am I talking about? Well, I’ve been running the Thriving Leaders podcast for about 2 years now, and it’s form and content are starting to shift a bit. It’s still about how we can develop our capacity to be thriving leaders, but I’m becoming more and more interested in what it means to find our voice so that we can speak into the unspeakable. This idea of speaking truth to bullshit, saying what’s on our mind, and speaking up about things that really matter to us. As a result of this shift, I’m thinking of changing the name of this show, and there is a bunch of things that go along with that. 

For starters, I’ve moved all the shownotes to my own website jasondyk.com. Don’t worry, if you punch in thrivingleaders.ca, it’ll take you directly to the new page. But in order to make things more manageable and have everything live in the same place, it was a switch that needed to be made. 

I’ve been working on all this over the Christmas break and as a result of the changes and the planning for this new leg of the journey, we’re going to be taking a bit of a break to catch our breath and center ourselves as we go into another year. So...all that to say..thank you for giving me your precious time - which really is precious - and for the emails and sharing that you do of this show. So, thanks for listening and I’m really excited to see where these conversations will head as we move into this new season of life and a new slant on this show. 

So, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to journeying alongside you here in 2020 as we continue to develop and evolve. Peace and love my friends!